Here is my official email declaring this as "what rot".
Born and bought up here. Of course I'm biased, dammit.

Next time anyone has problems with Bangalore traffic, I'm going to get them
lined up outside the Lincoln tunnel going into NYC on Monday morning at 9am
in the cash-only toll-lane.

Or, closer home, driving from Bandra to Worli (before the sea-link) during
Or, driving from Delhi to Gurgaon on the "new elevated road"

The phrase "Infrastructure problems" was not coined just for Bangalore, and
won't be disused post-Bangalore.

Taken in a lighter vein, of course no-one expects accolades in a book titled
"101 places not to visit". 

- Vinit

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 2:42 PM
> To:
> Subject: [silk] who killed bangalore? from the "churumuri" blog on
> Karnataka
> Found this on another mailing list, and I don't agree....entirely....
> From one who grew up in Bangalore:
> Heaven knows that Bangalore has problems spilling out of its back
> pockets.
> But when the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) showcases a book titled '101
> places not to visit<
> Destinations/dp/1861058586>'
> by *Adam Russ*, with Bangalore securing the pride of place in the India
> section, it's time to sit up and cry.

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