I must be remembering that week when it was inaugurated with the Rs. 11.1428571 
(insert your favourite random whole number here) toll wherein they expected 
exact change and I was stuck for over 3 hours, on 3 separate days.

My bad.

See, just as how Gurgaon's miseries are forgotten in a few months, so will 
Bangalore's, in a few months or years!
And it would be a better argument if you used the Delhi Metro as an example. 
I'm a fan. BTW.

- Vinit

> -----Original Message-----
> From: silklist-bounces+vinit=bhansalimail....@lists.hserus.net
> [mailto:silklist-bounces+vinit=bhansalimail....@lists.hserus.net] On
> Behalf Of Priyanka Sachar
> Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 12:15 AM
> To: silklist@lists.hserus.net
> Subject: Re: [silk] who killed bangalore? from the "churumuri" blog on
> Karnataka
>  And as someone who drives twice a day up and down the Delhi-Gurgaon
> "elevated" road with an average speed of at least 100kmph (with 130kmph
> at
> times) - I can safely tell u that the delhi-gur expressway can not be
> compared to bangalore's traffic at all. :)
> > > Next time anyone has problems with Bangalore traffic, I'm going to
> > > get
> > them
> > > lined up outside the Lincoln tunnel going into NYC on Monday
> morning
> > > at
> > 9am
> > > in the cash-only toll-lane.
> > >
> > > Or, closer home, driving from Bandra to Worli (before the sea-link)
> > during
> > > rush-hour.
> > > Or, driving from Delhi to Gurgaon on the "new elevated road"
> >
> >

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