On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 2:19 PM, Amit Varma <amitbl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm not assuming infinite goodwill, I'm assuming fear of the market. In the
> competitive market that Facebook is in, if they fuck around with user
> content -- like, say, use pics without permission -- the market will screw
> them over. To mess with users in that manner would be business suicide.
Ah, but at a point (& a price) the short-term profit might be more lucrative
than the risks posed by the "market". Also, you are ignoring the fact that
the competitive scenario could change some time in the future.

> Any examples of where similar clauses by big companies -- not
> fly-by-nighters-- have been misused?
Why do we need examples to express a fear. Do we have to wise up to this
nonsense only AFTER someone has sold our data? As it is, mobile companies in
India (& I dare say a host of companies, retailers, etc. in the West) do it
all the time.

- Mo

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