On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 2:37 PM, Mohit (मॊिहत) <mohitmo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Also, having been a part of the corporate world for 11 years, and having
> dealt with companies of every hue, I'm sorry to say that I do not accept
> the
> notion that the invisible hand of the market will always result in a
> company
> doing good.

Sure, but the outcry from users will certainly ensure that the ToS are
reworded now, which is the invisible hand at work.

My point wasn't that these ToS are justifiable, but that the outrage against
it seemed to imply that the Facebook guys acted out of malice, while all
that really happened was some clumsy phrasing from their lawyer. Facebook is
not some evil empire here trying to surreptitiously steal everyone's content
-- they just bungled up on some legal wording, that's all.

Amit Varma

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