Hi, all,

Udai and my cousin Bala are long time friends, from childhood. I met Udai
though him and after being subjected to my company on a number of occasions,
he invited me to join silklist. I thought it was a fan club for the soy milk
brand. But it's more likely a place to ask and discuss the larger questions,
such as why some people, perhaps out of some nefarious monosaccharide
racism, cannot tolerate a glucose and a galactose molecule getting together.

I was born in the US to an Indian dad from Bangalore and a Danish mom. I'm
currently in India, this being my 4th visit, and no visit every being less
than 6 weeks. Synthesizing the voiced input of my friends I think of myself
as a dilettante that is occasionally mistaken for a polymath.

I did a 5 year sentence at Stanford Maximum Security Educational
Institution, escaping from a sewage pipe into a rainstorm with a bachelors
in economics and a masters in industrial engineering. I then worked in tech
for some 12 years -- Intuit, Microsoft, some start-ups. So I lived in the
bay area for a while (though I went to Seattle for Microsoft).

I did product management and marketing stuff mainly, although I did run beta
testing and usability for Intuit for a while. Everything from working on
features with recalcitrant engineering teams to talking to press about new
products while being chaperoned by toothsome but vapid PR women dressed all
in black with yellow tinted spectacles that have no corrective power.

I love rock and roll, put another rupee in the jukebox baby -- I play
electric guitar and sing in a throw-together band. I also love things
epicurean (but hate looking up how to spell words like that), and somehow
was one of Zagat's top contributors for their 2008 bay area guide (touching
form letter I got from them, but at least it came with a free book and map).

Politically I've been a democrat for as long as I've been a voter, and with
a Danish mom, I find little wrong with being a liberal and considering
social programs for areas important to human dignity that are overlooked or
underserved by the private sector (there is a difference between whether
help is needed and whether the help currently given is working or not). In
general I look to South Park and the Daily Show for the most truthful news
-- paraphrasing Shaw, 'If you're going to tell people the truth, you had
better make them laugh. Otherwise they will kill you'

I'm currently in Bangalore (I've been in India since Jan 21st), taking a
break from the vibe in the states and soaking in all that's changed since I
was last here in the late '80s. As a person of Indian origin, I got one of
these very nifty "Person of Indian Origin" cards that connotes certain
benefits like not needing a visa, and being entitled to work. So I am very
seriously contemplating getting some remunerative endeavor (like a job) and
spending a prolonged time here.

Although with an 11:00 last call at bars, I'm thinking someone deconstructed
the name of the place and presumed it meant "ban galore" -- as in how much
can we ban. :-)

Eager to enjoy the effervescent edification of ebullient erudition.


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