Scandinavian women in general are very sexually liberated (probably the most
in the world, although when it comes to being unshackled by "traditional"
views, the Aussies are supposed to be close if not more so, but I base that
solely on scuttlebutt). They are also very independent -- the most truly
"equal" in terms of gender relations I've seen -- like if you try to pick up
the check too often when "going out" (no one really "dates" there, in that
this formal courtship idea is viewed as somewhat anachronistic), you will
honestly anger the woman (as opposed to the "cake-and-eat-it-too" feminism
stage that I would argue is more the case in the US -- that battle is still
in the "who has the power" stage).

This openness is seen in examples such as the City of Copenhagen employing
topless women to hold speed limit signs to address a speeding problem in the
city. Paid for with taxpayer money. Or topless beaches. Or sexually explicit
content on TV. One might almost believe that the women there enjoy sex for
its own sake, and aren't afraid to want it. Shri Ram Sena would crap their

To spite the prognostications that "loose sexual morals" is a harbinger of
social distentegration, Scandinavia consistently scores as the highes
quality of living in the world. I dare say, looking at places that are
oppressive about sexuality, they are far further down on the list. I
wouldn't posit cause for coincidence, but it does make me picture Tyler
Durden leaning over to them on an airplane saying, " how's that working
out for you... being [so pure]" (N.B. my change to his original quote which
was "...being clever," after Edward Norton's character says something about
single-serving friends)...

I speak of today's generation though -- my mom's generation was more
conservative and such -- they were growing up during the aftermath of WWII
where there was plenty of deprivation and devistation that needed to be
remedied. Not terribly different than the Boomer generation (who are seeming
to find Jesus in large numbers, and obnoxiously prosetylizing their new
enlightenment as if to demonstrate their solipcism that has harmed the US in
many ways). The younger generations in the US are pretty different, and more
overtly salacious (thanks, Paris Hilton...)

Having been smitten by a number of nordic damsels, I will say that one of
the thing that is so strange is the sheer percentage of young women who are
simply gorgeous. I leave it to the cultural geneticists to explain...

That said, Danish pronunciation can be a bitch. Your vexation is quite
entitled. But it's only 5.5M people. That's like a rounding-error in India.
So, in aggregate, just in pure numbers, there must be far more sex going on
in India than in Denmark. How do you like them butter cookies, Danes?!? :-)

On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 10:32 AM, Tim Bray <> wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 8:58 PM, Ravi Bellur <> wrote:
> > I was born in the US to an Indian dad from Bangalore and a Danish mom.
> This is a true story.  One time I was in Helsingør, AKA Hamlet's
> hometown, at a technology conference, and I was single, and I met a
> comely young Danish woman, also single who looked at me That Way, and
> thought there might be something there, but I couldn't pronounce her
> first name and she didn't think that was cute, so I got nowhere.  I
> recognize that having a Danish mom doesn't make this your fault, but
> I'm still bitter.
>  -Tim

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