> Welcome to the asylum, and please wipe the razors clean of blood after use.
> Your courtesy will be appreciated by other users.
I have a theory to solve problems that I call "Occam's Razor-slashed
wrists," -- it states that whatever the most depressing explanation is,
that's the most likely one. I'll make sure to clean up after use. :-)

> PS: I happen to be a friend of the only fat Dane in Denmark. It started
> with pity and ended in friendship. I couldn't help feeling sorry for him; he
> married an Iyengar.
It's hard to beat the US for obesity (though the percentages vary quite a
bit from state to state). But there are corpulent Danes. Beer and pork can
add up, calorically.

I'm not sure what "marrying an Iyengar" means (I know of BKE Iyengar from
studying yoga, as well as the fact that the B stands for Bellur, which is
where he's from. That and a rupee will buy me some paan.). Can anyone
explain, so as to broaden my cultural knowledge?

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