On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 3:36 AM, Venkat Mangudi <s...@venkatmangudi.com> wrote:
> Bonobashi wrote:
>> Dear heavens, what a dreadful misunderstanding in the making!
>> I solemnly aver that I was referring to the resident haunt of the list, a 
>> close relative of Peeves of legend, who glories in the name of Veritabil 
>> Deniabiliti. My research shows that this is an Indo-Iranian forest deity 
>> represented in later English folk-lore and hunting legend as Hereward the 
>> Wake. VD prowls around the forest glades on the shores of the Caspian Sea, 
>> snapping up and feasting on laggards from the herds of wild swine found 
>> there in times of yore. Later, unfortunately, during the prosperous years of 
>> the Celtic tribes, these proud animals were shipped off by greedy Armenian 
>> carpet merchants who hadn't discovered carpets to the forests of Armorica. 
>> There they were the prey of blood-thirsty Gallic warriors banned from battle 
>> by their ritual uncleanliness at the time of the cutting of the holy 
>> mistletoe. VD was cut off from his natural prey, lost his corporeal form and 
>> became a list haunt, a peculiarly foul-smelling bogle who pounces on groups
>>  of merry-making e-mailers and can be evicted only by the utterance of 
>> powerful mantras of eldritch force.
>> Whatever could you have been thinking of? A great diplomatic calamity has 
>> been averted.
> You should seriously consider a career in mashups. Nice imagination and
> a good mix of PGW, G&U, JRRT... who did I miss?

And all that VD stuff!? Straight out of a public health film shown to
navy longshoremen during the war.

   "You'll have to speak up, I'm wearing a towel." -- Homer J. Simpson

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