On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 7:03 PM, Bonobashi <bonoba...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

> <trimmed under protest, by orders of His Heiliness>
> > > The answer is Samit Basu.
> >
> Trying too hard to be clever, I
> > thought.
> Just for that, nobody will pay attention to you

I only hope that's true -- I forgot Udai gave the caveat that this is
archived and available online. Therefore I deny all responsibility for the
former posts by someone with sureptitious access to my account that may have
offended hypocritical American feminists, Hindu conservatives who have
members who use violence to further their cause, Danish women, born-again
Baby Boomers, and people with good taste.

Because apparently the vogue on freedom of discussion is, if you are
offended, you try to punish the offender by censure and direct action to
deprive one of  economic means. Even if you're not a celebrity endorsor
who's violated some conservative social value.

Everyone's great, especially those most easily offended, and plain toast
with milk is the tastiest meal one can have...  (please don't hurt me,
people who research others online for some large paying entity...)

Timoriously and repentantly,

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