my personal favorites are Appollo Singh (named because he was born on Jul
20, 1969 presumably shortly before Armstrong took his steps) and Russia and
America Rao (NOT a joke!).

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 11:44 AM, Mahesh Murthy <>wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 12:07 AM, Radhika, Y. <> wrote:
> > how about Himadri for a man's name?
> Quite common, actually. Have a film producer friend - whose next movie
> releases in 2 months, by the way, called Sheetal Talwar. And it's a he.
> Talking of names, I used to work in Hong Kong with a Billboard Kwok - I kid
> not, in my media-buying department, and had a client - a Marketing Manager
> at American Express, I kid you not again, who was somewhat unfortunately
> named Vagina Lau (she pronounced it Vuh-geena). In addition to a
> Photosynthesis Wong at the McDonald's downstairs.

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