Agreed, it is Rs 5/day/application. If it was 10x it might make a
small difference.  Rs 5 ia too paltry a sum for them to scare them to
action. They probably earn 1000x as cutbacks. Sorry, but my opinion is
not very high.

I also hear Zainab's statement a bout frivolous pleas and such. But
the act is a law and everyone has to abide by it or amend it. Am not a
lawyer or legal expert, but RTI is law, right?

On 4/29/09, Kiran Jonnalagadda <> wrote:
> 2009/4/28 Venkat Mangudi <>
>> 5 bucks per day? No wonder they don't care. I am fairly certain they can
>> cover the fine and more with the kickbacks they earn. RTI fine is a joke.
> Venkat, that is Rs 5 per day per pending application. It piles up quickly.

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