. wrote, [on 4/29/2009 10:07 PM]:

>> Perhaps you missed the second parenthetical bit that Badri wrote above?
> No, I didnt. That our courts are a lot more tolerant towards those who
> indulge in perjury is the disturbing part.

Er...you *are* aware that the definition of perjury hinges on "know" and
not "suspect", yes?

>>>> As for "terrorist enjoys state hospitality at taxpayer expense", I don't
>>>> know where to begin.
>>> Then dont !!
>> Can you expand on what you meant by this effusion? I'm curious.
> A lot less effusive to his suggestive contextomy [quote] you take a
> pitchfork and stand outside his
> jail shouting slogans - you'll probably draw enough people to create a mob
> quite quickly and you can go in and take him out, along with the last
> shreds of the rule of law in India. [/unquote]

Yes, but what did *you* _mean_ by that?

Udhay, ignoring the temptation to riff on "suggestive contextomy"
((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ pobox.com)) ((www.digeratus.com))

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