On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 11:03 PM, Badri Natarajan <asi...@vsnl.com> wrote:
> How is my question ad hominem? You made an unsupported assertion and I

Unsupported assertion? In the 26/11 case? I never said Kasab should
not get a lawyer or get a fair trial or that perjury was committed in
the 26/11 case.  Before quoting me out of context can you explain how
you concluded or assumed that my statement on perjury was referring to
the 26/11 case in particular?

> asked if you had any evidence to support it, because it doesn't jibe with
> my experience. Not because I think Indian courts are better than American

One, everyone does not have the same experiences and as a lawyer if
you have not experienced it in an Indian court, your client is lucky.
Two, why should i cite un-related personal cases on an archived list?

> As for me, I am an Advocate and I have practised law in India, California
> (briefly) and now England, so yes, you could say that I have "interacted"
> with the Indian legal system.

nice to know that :)

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