On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 4:46 PM, Bonobashi <bonoba...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
> We don't mean what we say in India. It isn't that the pizza guy was being 
> difficult. More likely,
> there was no process in place to cope with delayed delivery. That was only a 
> verbal benediction,
> not to be taken literally and sought to be converted to action or tangible 
> results.

...and the not-to-be-missed North-South communication[0] gaps. A
friend's mother would say "beta, ghar aajao, ...khana khake jao" [Son,
come home, ... leave after having lunch/dinner]. One of course
recognized courtesy and knew  better than to actually visit except for
an exception(al) south-indian guy, who would dutifully spend each
weekend at their home much to her annoyance :)

[0] cant think of a better word to describe a cultural difference.

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