On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 3:49 PM, Bharat Shetty <bharat.she...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> You ask us to believe your open mindedness and non-partisanship in the
>> issue of Indian elections and politics. And yet you use the pejorative
>> epithet 'Pseudo-secular' to characterize the Congress. It is a little
>> hard to take your non-partisanship seriously when you are using
>> terminology that I have only heard from the Hindu nationalists. Terms
>> like "Pseudo-secular", "Godless communism", "Big government Socialism"
>> and "Comprador Capitalist" are short hand that tell us a lot about the
>> tint of the glasses that the person using these terms sees the world
>> through.
> Please understand that I said these because supporters of both sides
> use these terms commonly in today's context and I refuse to be branded
> as supporter of a side you people might want to associate with me.

Are you saying the exact term 'Pseudo-secular' is common usage among
both sides of the debate? Or are you saying that the terms 'communal'
and 'pseudo-secular' are used by both sides to sling as accusations
against at each other?

> If you really think Congress is not pseudo secular, what is the right
> word you will use for Manmohan's comments that Nitish is not secular
> and is communal ?

I'd rather not become involved in a discussion about the minutia of
who said what during the campaign season and deconstructing what it
really means. I am only interested in understand your usage of the
term and whether you meant to use it in quotes or without quotes.

> Should I ask not these questions if SRS and others
> can question BJP ? Did I ever tell I know what leanings SRS has from
> his comments ? Please think about that.

SRS's position and biases are well known to me. I have read his
comments in silk list and other lists for over a decade now and I
already know which way he leans.

> What is Manmohan doing when people like Sajjan Kumar's brother gets
> ticket and he wins ? Has he ensured justice for the people of Punjab
> who has suffered and he bashes Modi for riots of Gujarath ?

Please excuse me for not debating with you on this point. As I pointed
out above, I am not interested in whether Modi is a butcher or
Manmohan hides behind Sonia's italian scarf or Jayalalithaa has a
predilection for, umm, Sasikala.

   "You'll have to speak up, I'm wearing a towel." -- Homer J. Simpson

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