> Further, once a privileged class gets into power it's rare that they
> relinquish it voluntarily. So your "at least for a few years" is a
> chimera. Old people want to restrict the vote to "more mature" voters.

The lament is that the ignorant voters repeatedly make the mistake of voting 
the privileged class into power. And something should be done about that. 
Gaining political power through populism is easier with the ignorant voter.

>>Isn't this what exactly brahmins were doing in Indian Bureaucracy

The remedy should not be worse than the disease...right.

> It was ever thus. The trick is not to restrict the franchise, but
> restrict the concentration of power that results from voting and the
> pandering to popular taste that is a consequence.

Makes a lot of sense to me.
How does one go about doing just that?


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