On Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 8:10 PM, lukhman_khan <lukhman_k...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> The those folks who feel discriminated against can be encouraged to come
> back next time (with a degree).

Lukhman...our educational system is already a farce, with people getting
degrees in agricultural science and then using it to get a job as a clerk in
a bank...let's not add one more farcical reason to get a degree from some
fly-by-night Osmaneshwara University just to be able to vote.

> We have a minimum age (18yrs) criteria anyway. Why not have one more
> criterion. I strongly believe, an educated person is a better bet.

Ah, you put your finger on the point that WAS eluding me. There is already
one criterion in existence.

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