On 3/2/10 2:38 AM, "Srini RamaKrishnan" <che...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 5:10 AM, Udhay Shankar N <ud...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> I don't have any A Priori objection to
>> activism
>> activism. I *do* take serious
>> exception to _dishonesty_ masquerading as jounalism - whether it is
>> Sainath, Tom Friedman or Arundhati Roy.

*Almost* all journalism is of this kind, the rarer form that is actually
objective is almost never found, a few of that kind wins Pulitzer Prizes,
but almost all of them have an axe to grind and write eloquently about their
pet theory. 

I especially hate photo journalists who show pictures of torture, babies
dying of hunger while vulture waits nearby, etc. They are meant to titillate
and blind us with excess anger and fury. After seeing those pictures, we can
never have an objective opinion about the "evil men" who are the cause for
such atrocities. 

What I have realised is that every human being is as capable of those exact
atrocities. It does not take an "evil person" to do it, just you and me with
an extra push (or for some none at all). For all you care, these titillating
pictures might be sufficient to turn us into violent zombies with intention
to crush/kill the perpetrators.

/end rant


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