--- On Tue, 23/3/10, Deepa Mohan <mohande...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Deepa Mohan <mohande...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [silk] For the Arundhati Roy haters out there
To: silklist@lists.hserus.net
Date: Tuesday, 23 March, 2010, 10:07

On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 9:43 AM, Indrajit Gupta <bonoba...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

Absolutely classic?

Suresh, you git, what's wrong with you? A series of vicious remarks, no before 
and after, no backing for the statements made, and that's absolutely classic?

Suresh, you really like this? 

While I might not express myself with such vehemence, I do feel that the essay 
is not a well-thought-out, logical or reasonable one, for all the reasons IG 

And I too ask the question, "Why are F*me and F*ck interchangeable 4-letter 
words only when it comes to famous women?"  

However...to compare the God Of Small Things (this may be the first time in 
several years that this novel's ACTUAL name is mentioned without spoofing it) 
with To Kill A Mockingbird is....I'm sorry, I'm no Arundhati Roy, I can't find 
a telling enough simile.

To Kill  A Mockingbird is permeated  throughout by  two rare characteristics: 
good writing, and goodness. Apparently Gregory Peck was, in real life, a person 
like Atticus Finch; it's the goodness of his character, and the innocence of 
the narrator, and the skill with which it's brought out by the author, that 
lifts this book to the level of good literature. 

Now, Bonobashi has turned into Suresh-bashi....If Suresh likes it, IG, he has a 
right to his opinion...er, by the way, what's a "git"?

Pavithra, good point :) 


Hey, that's OK, D., Suresh liked the review, and he has a right to his opinion; 
I didn't, and I have a right to mine. Suresh put up a scurrilous review, 
scurrilous in every sense of the word, not his own, somebody else's poisonous 
little epistle. I responded with my own bit of poison, which has at least the 
virtue of being entirely my own bit of hate.


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