Netflix complained that i wasn't letting anybody else see it:-) definitely
will read it.

On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 10:17 PM, Deepa Mohan <> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 10:19 AM, Radhika, Y. <> wrote:
>> having seen To kill a mockingbird 32 times (kept the netflix dvd for 3
>> months) i have to agree: atticus finch was an amazing character played with
>> great conviction by gregory peck.
> Radhika, I hope you've also read the book..if you haven't do so eftsoons
> and right speedily, as any Wodehouse character would say. Once in a rare
> while you come across a book and a movie which are as good as each
> other...this is one of them. The book comes alive in the movie.
> It's also wonderful to see children depicted as children and not as
> mini-adults. R K Narayan and Bill Watterson have this gift, too.
> And why did you keep the DVD only for 3 months?! The book and the movie
> still have the power to bring tears to my eyes. After this, the next time I
> felt like this was when I finished "The Remains of the Day". That was
> powerful writing too.
> Deepa.

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