Not all of the responses to the theory of Singularity is complex. There
is work by Herbert Simon that is reasonably accessible that ought to be
considered. I have a very simple summary of a response to the
Singularity argument here
Some of the responses to the theory are admittedly extremely
--- In, Suresh Ramasubramanian <suresh@...>
> Vinayak Hegde [15/02/11 00:19 +0530]:
> >I really couldn't make sense of this paragraph no matter how hard I
> >try to wrap my mind around this. I see that you use the English
> >alphabet but your floral and verbose language doesn't make any sense
> >to me. Looks like I am getting a little dense with age.
> It is fun when the purveyor of the most obscure philosophies on silk
> (Eugen) gets some even more obscure competition (Anand).
> To be honest, no, I can't make much sense out of it, not having any
sort of
> background in singularities, and having barely scraped through a BSc
> electronics + speedily forgotten it as soon as possible. Closest I
even get
> to this is sitting on a fsf awards committee with vinge.
> If Udhay wants to headhunt vinge for silk along with the cory etc type
> celebs that'd probably kickstart a discussion here, but for the rest
of us
> folks, we're firmly in Casca's camp here.
> CASSIUS: Did Cicero say any thing?
> CASCA: Ay, he spoke Greek.
> CASSIUS: To what effect?
> CASCA: Nay, an I tell you that, I'll ne'er look you i' the face again:
> those that understood him smiled at one another and shook their heads;
> for mine own part, it was Greek to me.
>  srs

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