On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 10:22 AM, Deepa Mohan <mohande...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'll still stick to  my own opinion, that anything in moderation is OK. The
> human body is prone to illness caused by many things, and we live out a kind
> of precarious chemical balance in our intakes. Most of us have had sugar in
> moderate-to-excess doses, and we've survived the experience with our health
> intact.

I will dispute strongly your contention about "moderate-to-excess",
*as defined by the article* - which is between 40 to 70 pounds of
sugar per capita. Are you claiming that most of us have a) consumed
this level of sugar; b) had no health consequences as a result?

> If people can eat fugu, why not sugar?

or nicotine, or alcohol?

> I do not agree with the implication, above,  that having X no. of viewers on
> YouTube validates a point of view. (This seems to be a very common
> implication.)

I read the article as implying that there is a great interest in this
topic, and presenting the youtube datum as supporting evidence, which
certainly seems reasonable.

> And..thread drift....
> http://deponti.livejournal.com/804850.html


((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ pobox.com)) ((www.digeratus.com))

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