Dei, you didn't write about your love for.... (should I write it here)? :p

On 18 May 2011 05:11, Sidin Vadukut <> wrote:

> Hello All,
> Udhay has just graciously added me to your august grouping here. I am a
> journalist with the Mint business newspaper in New Delhi. I write about
> anything the paper tells me to, but usually write about office culture,
> consumer tech, watches, travel and books. I have a written a couple of
> books, one of which came out in December 2009 and the next one is due this
> November. I now live in London after having lived for brief periods in Abu
> Dhabi, Trichy, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Mumbai and Delhi. I look forward to
> adding value.
> If you are ever in London I will be happy to let you buy me a beer. Just
> drop me a line. Alternately, you can just wire me the money.
> Thanks.
> Sidin Vadukut

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