On Sunday 11 December 2011 06:06 AM, Srini RamaKrishnan wrote:
Yes, one day, eventually, there will be an uprising, there always is.

This is only somewhat in context with what Srini et. al. have been saying.

A few years ago, everyone was riding the economic boom and totally content with things as they were. Whether we were paying bank fees or bribes, things were hunky dory except for the odd one speaking up against it. It went unnoticed, the speaking up part, that is. Now, the world seems to be in an economic crisis and suddenly everyone is sitting up and finding someone to blame. So the Americans (for the most part) blame the 1%, the middle east blame the dictators and Indians blame the corrupt. Yesterday there was a big hullabaloo over Apple patent trolling. Patent trolling is old story and most of the large companies, especially telcos, have been doing it for decades. So why are we going nuts about it now?

Am I the only guy thinking like this? Does anyone else seem to think so?


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