Thank you for the voice sample, and the fascinating history lesson.

I remember, very vaguely, the news of that encounter.

As an American college student at the time who was subject to the draft, I was, 
as you can imagine, much more preoccupied with the war in Viet Nam. But I do 
indeed remember the 1971 Pakistan-India war.

Your narration is quite good. Isn't it lovely, and curious, how we descendants 
of former subjects of the British crown can speak with such distinctive 
accents, yet still understand each other?

Or, at least, I understood you. Remains to be determined whether others 
understood me.


On Jun 2, 2012, at 11:32 PM, ss wrote:

> On Sunday 03 Jun 2012 8:20:59 am Udhay Shankar N wrote:
>> Would be delighted to hear what y'all sound like too-also.
> My voice in this video
> shiv

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