On Jun 3, 2012 7:23 AM, "Deepa Mohan" <apeedna...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think that whether "native tongues" survive or not,  English itself, as
it gets spoken globally, will acquire local overtones, and  fracture into
as many dialects,  as there arelanguages  now.....I can already say that
the language spoken by the Geordies, the Cockneys, Singaporeans, Bengalis,
and so on, are all very different from each other, and as proof that every
thought I think has been thunk before (and better expressed).....  Alan Jay
Lerner said famously, in "My Fair Lady", that they haven't used English in
America for years.

Definitely true, I adore Singlish, and am amused at Afrikaans words
sneaking into South African English (lekker, braai). Indian English has a
distinctive vocabulary that some Indians I've talked to have been surprised
that I considered "non-standard" like "prepone" and "avail" as a synonym
for "to make available"

In Uganda and Rwanda the pronunciation has shifted in ways I find charming
but that are completely different from other shifts I've heard.

-- Charles

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