Considerably less than yours, John.

Spanish - reading, writing, speaking at high intermediate, early advanced
skill: can read most newspaper articles, understand most cinema (but have
to listen with care) and TV (although I don't really like spanish tv). Also
am aware of differences in the various kinds of Spanish, have attempted to
translate simple English poems to Spanish, badly. Have read Spanish stories
for 12 year olds, a graphic novel (simple, yet quite complex in theme) and
short stories by Unamuno and know a few songs. I would like to read Marquez
in Spanish soon.

Greek - 5th grade level - read detective fiction, can understand a fair
amount of cinema but not TV (tends to be faster), making sense of poetry is
very hard. Newspaper is still hard.

Telegu: speak ok, very basic reading. In my childhood didn't really enjoy
the conservative south indian brahmin culture of my family and associated
the language with that experience. Of course now I wish I hadn't withdrawn
from the language!

Hindi: associated Hindi with the Army/Air Force childhood which seemed more
progressive then. Then I became an adult and learnt better. Despite this,
my Hindi skills are leagues ahead of my Teleguskills.

My lifetime goals: perfect Greek and Spanish for reading, writing and
singing. Would love to add Urdu and Farsi to this cannon;-)


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