> Yes, this was essentially a reaching out. Feel like writing about some
> things related to all this on my blog but refrain from doing so because my
> brother and other family members will likely not like it.
> Some of the reasons people do not like to share the news of illness,
physical or mental:

1. One is bombarded by questions about how, when, where, and often why...at
times, one is just not up to answering and indeed, it can feel like a

2.Such situations are often quite fluid and can change overnight, it's
difficult to update even well-wishers about what's happening right now,

3.  One is bombarded by well-meaning advice, most of which one cannot take.

4. One has to listen to a lot of insensitive and thoughtless comments..as
Vani says, one cannot always digest it all.
5.  One has to listen to irrelevant accounts of others' sufferings,

6. I often find that even close friends hear something quite different from
what I think I am telling them.

With a close friend, I can say, "Reach out to me if you need me." With an
acquaintance, I might not be able to help at all, except perhaps in
listening (and that, too, I might not be reaching out at the other person's
time of need.)

Vani, I still use that old moribund blog called LiveJournal. It has a "my
eyes only" setting. I  get rid of the perilous stuff that weighs on my
soul, this way, once in a while. I don't know if other blogs (I do use WP
but have never tested it...and I know that blogs on github are only-public)
have the same feature.


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