"Slow" and "fast" might be better words for what we used to call "literate" and 
"oral" communication styles*.

Although written communication one thousand years ago was almost always the 
result of reflection and composition, while spoken communication was almost 
always extemporaneous if not spontaneous, we now encounter all four quadrants 
in common use:

fast spoken - oral communication
fast written - texting (conversational online comments?)
slow spoken - prepared speeches, lectures, etc.
slow written - literate communication (epistolary mailing lists?)


What about podcasts: are they generally fast or slow?

* this would also explain why a recent BBC article claimed "we" prefer texting 
to email, when my preference is the opposite; I'm guessing their 
exclusive-rather-than-inclusive "we" (which might include ancient romans, 
tut-tutting "lucernam redolet"?) prefer fast to slow.

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