The goal of applied science is not the truth. Since world war 1 the goal of
"science" has been subverted to find applications that can be monetized:
this can be called technology or engineering but not science.

Those with the real scientific temper cannot accept a solution that still
has open questions, they don't care about time to market - but the
engineers and technicians among them say, perfect is the enemy of good, and
vilify the opposition because persistent doubt gums up the marketing

We largely don't fund "science", worldwide, we fund technology development.
We've hardly made any fundamental breakthroughs in understanding reality in
the last few decades compared with what we did in earlier centuries when
most science was theoretical. There's almost no appetite for it.

Nobody has the patience to do real science, which is par for the course for
the attention deficit generation we have become.

On Sat, Feb 2, 2019, 10:36 PM Srini RamaKrishnan < wrote:

> I don't think I'm qualified to make sense of all the medical literature,
> but here's what is obvious to me.
> Science is fundamentally about healthy disagreement and debate over the
> truth until it is conclusively found with no room for argument.
> There's a club of 500 eminent researchers in the field and doctors
> including Nobel laureate Kary Mullis (the inventor of the PCR test) who
> insist, vehemently so, that there's no proof that AIDS is caused by HIV.
> These are unquestionable experts in the field who chose to swim against the
> current of consensus, risking their careers. They've been writing papers
> for the last thirty years, but the amount of hate they've got from the
> larger medical community reminds me of the dark ages when scientists met in
> secret societies.
> These are not crazy flat Earthers.
> Similarly there are kids who get polio solely because of the vaccine, 
> Vaccine-derived
> polioviruses (VDPVs). No one disputes this, but now it becomes a
> philosophical question whether even one victim is one too many. Guess which
> side the drug companies are on?
> Such open questions are routinely brushed under the carpet, and that
> raises the question - what is the role of profit motive and wanting to be
> seen to be doing something? It should be discussed with more seriousness
> than I see currently.
> Instead what I do see is a lot of hoarse rhetoric from those living in the
> majority consensus reality.
> Undoubtedly some good continues to come from drug companies and medical
> research, it's not all bad, but there's an air of confidence that's
> unearned. They are not doing anything about wellness, they don't even cure
> diseases most of the time, only dealing with eradicating symptoms.
> Putting down traditional medicine as alternative is also definitely kind
> of majoritarianism that is aided by the rich pharma giants. Which is a
> tragedy because they actually were developed in ages when profit motive was
> absent.
> Science must also look seriously at the idea that there's no such thing as
> objective reality, as I outlined in earlier messages. Limiting precision is
> what enables objective reality.
> On Sat, Feb 2, 2019, 7:27 PM Suresh Ramasubramanian <
> wrote:
>>         one study indicates that measles can "erase" a person's other
>> immunities, leaving them vulnerable to infections for 2-3 years
>> afterwardhttps://
>>         --srs
>> On Fri, Feb 1, 2019 at 4:22 PM +0530, "Suresh Ramasubramanian" <
>>> wrote:
>>         Research says that even malnourished kids benefit by the  way
>> And that's not the only nonsense hegde spouts besides quoting other
>> charlatans in this space like Gary Null
>> Here are a couple of rebuttals you can read
>> And then this by Dr Balasubramanian of LV Prasad Eye Institute and former
>> head of the CCMB in Hyderabad for decades - one of the most articulate
>> writers on science in india
>> Hegde is a fraud - no question about it
>>         --srs
>> On Fri, Feb 1, 2019 at 4:06 PM +0530, "Srini RamaKrishnan"  wrote:
>> The more I read I find his stand on vaccination very reasonable, he merely
>> says giving vaccines to malnourished children is dangerous. A full stomach
>> is better than a vaccine at preventing infection.
>> I thought you had done your research Suresh, so I didn't check earlier.
>> On Fri, Feb 1, 2019, 3:50 PM Srini RamaKrishnan  On Fri, Feb 1, 2019,
>> 1:32 PM Suresh Ramasubramanian  wrote:
>> >
>> >> There is absolutely no open mind possible for vaccine deniers. And they
>> >> cause far too much harm to be anything other than dismissed outright.
>> I am
>> >> sorry if we disagree on that matter.
>> >>
>> >
>> > Before you completely close your mind I'd like to know what you know of
>> > his talks?
>> >
>> > The only bit on vaccination I could find was this,
>> >
>> >
>> > Which doesn't sound like vaccine denial at all.
>> >
>> >
>> >

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