On Sat, May 2, 2020 at 5:39 AM Udhay Shankar N <ud...@pobox.com> wrote:

> Empathy isn't easy.

When my (almost invariably economically and socially left-leaning) friends
who are venting about how awful everything (Trump, Biden, Facebook, Fox
News, Amazon, the Democratic party establishment, Republican party, Sangh
Parivar, Modi, Boris Johnson, Brexit, ...) is, I have gotten into the habit
of saying that I agree with them that the world is polarized. I then say
that one way to counter polarization is to build bridges and change minds.
I then ask them to list just one thing that their bete noir, The Other
Side, is right about.

I am surprised by how much people struggle to list just one thing. I find
it impossible to list the positives of some (Trump, Brexit, Sangh Parivar),
and relatively easy to list one or two positives of others (Republican
party, Modi, Boris Johnson).

What is your bete noir? And what is one thing that they are right about?

Homer: Hey, what does this job pay?
Carl:  Nuthin'.
Homer: D'oh!
Carl:  Unless you're crooked.
Homer: Woo-hoo!

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