On 04/05/2020 16:49, Thaths wrote:
> On Sat, May 2, 2020 at 5:39 AM Udhay Shankar N <ud...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> Empathy isn't easy.
> When my (almost invariably economically and socially left-leaning) friends
> who are venting about how awful everything (Trump, Biden, Facebook, Fox
> News, Amazon, the Democratic party establishment, Republican party, Sangh
> Parivar, Modi, Boris Johnson, Brexit, ...) is, I have gotten into the habit
> of saying that I agree with them that the world is polarized. I then say
> that one way to counter polarization is to build bridges and change minds.
> I then ask them to list just one thing that their bete noir, The Other
> Side, is right about.

I've found it hard that a lot of vocal people theoretically behind
causes I support - women's rights, trans rights, general inclusiveness,
etc - have become increasingly polarized. I'm sick of taking flack from
"my own side" for attempting to debate people, for instance :-(

I find it hard to give up on somebody as "irredeemably awful",
especially if the consequence of that is to badmouth them in public
while ignoring/blocking anything they say in response... it just seems
like such an arrogant approach, and one that's almost *guaranteed* to
make anybody who has any sympathy for them decide you're definitely the
bad person :-(

I think that an important consideration, when a debate with somebody
gets difficult, so "What will witnesses who are undecided about this
topic make of this debate?"...

Alaric Snell-Pym   (M7KIT)

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