Joyce Inouye wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a bit puzzled that you're using a stainless steel cleaning pad to clean
> your pot.  Isn't the pad full of corrosive and toxic chemicals? Some toxic
> compounds can be distilled into the water container with your drinking
> water!
> Dr. Hulda Clark, who wrote the book "Cure for All Diseases,"  warns her
> readers not to use any of these caustic chemicals--not even toothpaste,
> soap, shampoo, laundry soap, etc. that is sold in stores.  She's found
> that cancer is linked to toxic buildup of these contaminants in our body.
> Her philosophy is, if you can't eat it, don't use it because these
> substances can easily penetrate our body (e.g., through our skin when
> washing the pot, unless you use a glove.) What is your rationale for not
> using natural, organic cleansers?
> Regards,
> Joyce

Hi Joyce and all,

 Not to puzzle. The stainless steel pad is just that,stainless steel and
nothing else. Its NOT a Brillo pad. No soap, no nothing,just stainless
steel pad. Went to many stores to find PLAIN stainless steel pads.

  Bless you   Bob  Lee  

oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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