Bill: I have done a few more measurements on my Sears distiller. The
resistance from both sides of the plug to the metal cannister is greater
than 30 megohms (as high as my unit measures). With the unit plugged in (not
in water, give me a break :>)) I read 50 volts ac between the cannister and
ground (same readings with sink as ground and with ground wire in ac plug as
ground). If I turn the ac plug around I only read 5 volts ac to ground. I
just checked the wall socket and have 120 volts ac from one connector to
ground and about 7 millivolts from the other side to ground. So I think that
is normal. I don't have any idea where I am getting the 50 volts. If the
heating element is grounded at 50/120 of the way from one end, then turning
the plug around should make the reading 70 volts. But it doesn't. They
didn't teach me this at A&M in EE 101.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tai-Pan []
> Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 1998 8:49 AM
> To: Bill Schramm
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: CS>WARNING: Shock Hazard, Sears Distiller
> Bill Schramm wrote:
> >
> > I also received an unpleasant shock from my sears distiller.  It
> > happened when the unit was being cleaned in a metal sink.  Unit does
> > contain a "do not immerse" warning.  Thereafter I never clean it
> > without unplugging
> >
> > ----------
>  Holy Smoke Folks,
>  Putting electric things in water,with power on!!
>  Throwing gasoline on fires!!
>  I don`t do funerals very well, and I like you all alot, so knock off
> the dumb stuff. Scareing the hell out of me. :-)
>  Engage brain before starting hands.
>  Think about what you are doing, then think again.
>   Most things require ten minutes of thinking and only one minute of
> doing.
>  Hind sight is not good, you will be dead before you get to do it.
>  Safety starts at home, not somewhere else.
>  Your brain is your best safety tool. Use it.
>     Bless you   Bob  Lee
> --
> oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast
> --
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