>Marsha Hallett,
>Please, What's Melaleuca?
>Take care, "smile and watch for the birdies".
>Douglas Haack, Sydney

Dear Douglas,
 What??!! An Ozzie, asking "What`s Melaleuca??"!!
Why `tis Australian Tea Tree Oil, from the Melaleuca alternifolia tree,
grown mainly in lovely Australia. (Wish I could come visit... sigh)
Sure is good stuff. With it and CS, who needs docs, other than for injuries,
and C sections.
(Thank God for the latter, my 19 year old Sailor son was saved by being born
that way! He was 4 weeks past due and his head bones had closed already, by
the time we decided we`d better get him out of the oven. He liked cooking a
little extra, I suppose...A natural birth would have crushed his skull)

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