Unfortunately, we do not know of any alternative Internet source beyond
the one I listed earlier.  However, there is a possible course open to you.
 One of our staff members has obtained a copy of Dr. Blaylock's book on the
subject, entitled, "Excitotoxins:The Taste That Kills".  He has read it and
informs me that it covers, essentially, the majority of the data we have
learned from Dr. Blaylock.  The book is, he states, superbly documented
with approximately 500 source references for about a 300 page book. Our
staff member said he purchased the book from Amazon Books, on the Internet.
 He paid around $14 or $15, plus shipping.  I have not, personally, read
the book, but this engineer---one of our brightest---declares it to be a
superb and sobering revelation.  I hope this is of help to you.  Brooks
Bradley.                                                         At 01:25
PM 7/4/98, you wrote:
>At 02:52 AM 7/3/98 -0500, you wrote:
>> Your reference to "brain fog" prompts me to offer the following
>>suggestion.   Our research group has been doing some investigational
>>inspections of existing literature/research results relating to
>>Excitotoxins----and their effect on the human brain.  Among our sources we
>>discovered the work of Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.  Our entire staff was
>>thunder-struck by the evidence Dr. Blaylock revealed.  I encourage all
>>members of this list to avail themselves  of a general review of his work.
>       Do you have a source for people without sound cards & audio 
> capabilities?
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