A number of derogatory statements have been made about physicians and their
power trips/moneygrubbing.  Let's try to keep some perspective on this.
There are a lot of docs out there who aren't bad guys, and they're fighting
constantly to get alternate therapies available.  I'm thinking in
particular of Drs. William C. Douglass II and III, and the many other
physicians of the IBOM and the ACAM.  

By the way, in speaking up for alternate medicine practicioners, I need to
emphasize that I may be a Surgeon, but am not licensed to practice
medicine.  I do consider myself to be pretty sharp-get the point?  I've
been known to cut to the heart of the matter, and make some incisive
remarks.  My slice is pretty bad, too, so I keep off the links.  You're
probably tired of all this cutting up, so suture self.

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