Hi all. I agree with Mike D, W. D. Cavanaugh and all the rest who rallied in defense of those in the medical establishment who are possibly willing to cross the line into this/our dimension. My perspective/attitude on doctors in general is quite tainted because of having had to deal with them on a continual basis since I was 4 years old. I doubt that there are many on the list that can claim the same amount of experience. This does not make me an "expert" on ALL of them, but I can surely attest with great accuarcy to the high degree of hypocracy and lack of *real* concern for The Truth, whatever that may be -- at least in the field of Cystic Fibrosis research. It's like that old joke: A scientist puts a frog on a table and takes note of how far the frog jumped with all 4 legs -- after alarming it with a sound -- writing, "Frog jumped 3 feet with 4 legs". Then he removes 1 leg and presses the alarm again observing, "Frog jumped 2 feet with 2 legs". Then he removes another leg, presses the alarm and observes, "Frog jumped 6 inches with 1 leg". Finally, removing the 4th leg and pressing the alarm he writes, "Frog goes deaf". If the "doctors" are committed to *really* healing the sick, why are they barking up so many wrong trees to begin with? A perfect example of what I'm talking about is the fact that Joyce Inouye <jinou...@ccsf.cc.ca.us> has posted on her site PROOF that Colloidal Silver KILLS THE VERY BACTERIA THAT KILL MOST OF CYSTIC FIBROSIS VICTIMS!! Studies done by an actual lab and even earlier reports from DECADES ago have confirmed it for all the doubters, not to mention my own experience! So why are these "healers" and supposedly truthful "doctors" with a mission to help humanity ignoring this information? Why is a friend of mine with the same disease not expected to live past the next week because all the drugs they've been giving him FOR THIS VERY SAME BACTERIA have ruined his kidneys and liver and other systems are now shutting down? That's where my attitude stems from. I *used* to blindly trust them [like most people] and now I'm paying for it. Most people with marginal "doctor" experience may not feel the same way, and -- as I said in my first "doctor-bashing" agreement -- there *are* some good ones out there who *are* just plain ignorant of these options [like CS] and *may* be willing to learn and *maybe* even risk their career JUST to help people, but they're so few and far between that I wouldn't hold my breath. Most wouldn't risk their entire schooling and high-paying career to start replacing their drugs with Colloidal Silver. They may *want* to or feel a sincere desire to do so, but sayin' ain't doin'. So they stay close to the security of their AMA masters while continuing to use many of the poisons they really don't need to and getting paid well for it. If *YOU* had invested in a long/expensive medical education and someone proved that half [or more] of the drugs you were prescribing and treatments you were getting paid for doing could cease because of a substance that can be made in someone's kitchen, would you cross that line? Move to Mexico? End up like Wilhelm Reich or Ruth Drown [and they weren't even "doctors"]? Most AMA "doctors" remind me of that scene from the film COOL HAND LUKE where Paul Newman is being put in "the box" for solitary confinement and the jailer apologizes because he's "just doing his job"; Luke says to him, "Callin' it a job don't make it right". I salute any doctor couragious enough to rebel against the mighty force of The Dark Gods, but the sad truth is that 98% of them simply won't.
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