Hi Chuck! Thanks for contributing. And thank you so much for sharing 
Marsha with us! <big grin>

On 13 Jul 98 at 11:21, you wrote:

> The primary purpose of the bulb is to limit current in the event the
> electrodes touch each other (short circuit).
> The bulb serves no purpose in the silver generation process, it is
> only there for the reasons stated, and you can make a perfectly
> functioning generator without the bulb, by connecting the silver
> electrodes directly to the batteries.  

In a few situations the bulb can influence the process. Specifically,
for those who use salt or baking soda electrolyte to speed things up,
or running the no-salt process a really long time trying to make high
ppm. Enough current flows that the bulb begins to glow dimly. There
is enough voltage drop across the bulb for the electrode voltage to
drop considerably, towards 15 volts in my old setup as an example. 
We're talking currents about 20ma, which is pretty darn high.

So it can serve as a really crude process current limiter for some 

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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