On 13 Jul 98 at 22:15, George Martin wrote:

> When the current read 8.0 - 10.0
> ma I noticed something different occur.  In addition to the CS
> 'floating' around in the vicinity of the electrodes there was also a
> rather thick 'stream' of CS that was sinking to the bottom of the
> container. 

Hello George,

Excellent set of observations. Your setup is very similar to mine. I 
see the same effect at about the same current.

I wonder if those are larger particles. A long time ago Rose used a
microscope at work to look at some CS I made that was run for a long
time (different apparatus and recipe than I'm using now). She saw
much larger particles mixed with the almost invisible smaller ones. 

Above a certain current, some people have talked about "burning" the
silver particles. I doubt that's a proper description, but it conveys
the notion that the particles made are different. 

So it makes sense to try current limiting at something below that at 
which the descending cloud of darker particles is seen. That's what I 
would try.

I've long thought that current limiting schemes of various sort would 
emerge as the best strategy once we start to really study the 
process. I've also wondered if there is a calculable property that 
would let you predict that threshold level, such as current density 
(current flow vs. surface area of electrodes). You're welcome to try 
the experiments.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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