On July 9 chuckwil wrote:
What a wonderful thing that we're willing to put our money where
our mouths are.  Since this test has now been done twice, I suggest
some other project.  And Bob seems to be a natural leader.  I
nominate him Secretariat/National Treasure/Presidio.  How 'bout if
we send him (or whomever we elect) money-- whatever we're comfortable
with-- and then come to a consensus about how to spend it.  I would,
however, suggest that we do as we've done on this:  wait till we
do a pretty thorough investigation to see if we can obtain whatever
information we're after without cost.  With money in hand, we'll
be able to expedite this thing.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I hate taking personal
responsibility for other people's money.  Therefore, as mentioned in an
earlier post, commitments are fine, but no money should be sent to anyone
until there is a consensus about how it is to be used.

Furthermore, even then, make sure you know who you're dealing with.  (If
and when it comes to collecting money, if I'm involved, I'll be sure to
make it easy for you to know how to find me and ruin my career in finance
if I'm irresponsible. )

I'm still catching up on the huge volume of e-mail from the past week and
haven't had time to review the various test results that have been
suggested.  I'll try to get to it before the end of the day, but I'm
supposed to be making money for my employer.

Bob Wells