Since I started this, I'm certainly good for $50.  I'll let Doug keep the
tally of commitments and will be happy to follow up on the lab side.  What
I think I'd like to do is talk to several labs to make sure we understand
what we are paying for and what we expect to get.  This will happen before
any money gets collected.  I think that all those making a monetary
contribution ought to agree on the lab choice and on the procedure.

By the way, I received a fax from Nutri Team, the company that makes the
GfSE.  It includes test results on Nutri Biotic Liquid Disinfectant (GfSE),
Microdyn Silver Oxide Suspension (I presume this is CS, but somebody help
me out here), Suprayod Germicide (anybody know what this is?), Melaleuca
Alternifolia, Aroma Vera Brand (again, I'm clueless here) and Clorox Bleach
(I do know what this is <grin>.  The tests were run by Bio Research
Laboratories, Inc. in  Redmond, WA.  Some of the results appear to be from
1995 and others from 1998.  I don't think I have all the pages I need to
make an informed assessment of the information.  I'll try to call them
later today to discuss these results and talk to them about running our
test for us.  This should begin to get us some useful information about

I'll be happy to forward a copy of the fax to a few of you, but for cost
reasons I reserve the right to send it only to those who are willing to
make a commitment of at least $10 to helping pay for lab tests.  I'll pay
for all phone charges for faxing so no committed funds will be used to pay
for faxing, but I think it only fair that I not have to fax it to everyone.
It does get expensive to fax 8 pages. <grin>.  Again, no money will be
collected until we agree on the lab, the testing process, etc.

If you want the fax, make your financial commitment publicly to the list or
to Doug and then send me your fax and phone number privately.  I'll make
sure you get my numbers in the fax.  Are we creating a team, or what!

Bob Wells

<Graphic image not retained>
dmcmu...@o1=nyux/DD.RFC-822=dmcmurtr\ on 07/07/98 09:25:58 AM

To:   silver-l...@o1=nyux/ @ omgw
cc:   dmcmu...@o1=nyux/ @ omgw
Subject:  Microbial Challenge Test Fund

Well, it seems that there's been some positive response to the idea of
getting CS tested in a bio lab to help quantify its effects. Bob Wells
had received an estimated cost of $400.00 to have the testing done.

Maybe we can proceed like this. We'll keep a running list of pledges and
when we hit the mark then we can send the funds to one person who could
then pay the company. I'll repost the list every few days until either
we get the funds pledged or interest is lost. Perhaps Bob Wells would
consider being the final facilitator when we get the funds collected
since he did the original research and made the necessary contacts at
the lab? A firm number on cost would also be helpful. Whaddaya say Bob?

Between now and then there are some additional issues to consider as
Dameon so rightly points out. The basic question is "What should we
test?" i.e. what source of CS, concentration, etc. Thoughts on this

For now the fund stands as follows:

 Marsha Hallett    <>                   - $20.00
 Dameon                    - $10.00
 Douglas McMurtrie <>             - $50.00

                                      Total to Date          $80.00
Note to Wil,

Thanks for your kind message. I'm taking your wise advice.

Best to all,


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