>I can help with this one...
>Melaleuca Alternifolia is TEA TREE OIL -- its an anti-parasitic.  The
>one I have says 100% Australian Tea Tree Oil - Malaleuca Alternifolia.

Dear Fidget, and the group,
I`m a user of melaleuca as well as good ol` CS! It is a good topical
antibiotic, as an oil it stays put.
It healed my athlete`s foot in one application. It stops the pain of a
canker sore, even though it tastes yukky. (I take CS for those too, using
the melaleuca for pain relief. They go away in 3 days with CS instead of the
usual 10 days.)
Before I had found CS, I breathed in fumes from my melaleuca bottle, giving
me relief from a nasty Valley Fever infection. That is a lung fungus, found
in So. Cal and Arizona. It is often fatal.
So, maybe it is a good idea to keep some melaleuca handy, along with our CS,
Noni, etc...!!
Love to all of you,
PS, Oceanside is SOOO nice, stays about 70. Eat your hearts out... :o)

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