On Sat, 11 Jul 1998, Fidget wrote:

> According to a search I did, you may be right.  It seems they are
> exactly the same tree, and they have been removing them because they
> grow so dense that that don't allow for any other vegetation to grow.
> Seems to me that these people/developers might be so dense themselves
> they don't realize just how important these tress are.  Check out this
> website and see what you think:
> http://cnn.com/EARTH/9706/24/wetland.banks/index.html
> Fidget 

According to some sources, hundreds of thousands of plants and other
destructive activities are planned by The Establishment
(Illuminati-NewWorld Order), using the ENVIRONMENT to carry out these
purposes.  Dr.  Wallach tells how he worked for 12 years with a government
team to find an "environmentally sensitive" animal. Once the bird (with
the fragile egg)  was found, the Illuminati-controlled media plastered it
in newspapers, textbooks, etc. to gain more power and pass more laws. 
(Students are taught this propaganda in schools.)  Hundreds of thousands
of trees are destroyed and they do it in the name of the "Environment",
like destroying forests to replant them with "native plants" (weeds and
shrubs).  They already control half the land in the U.S., and are building
concentration camps on them.

Their doctrine is similar to Hitler's, and they do all sorts of evil human
experiments.  In the story below, they removed the active ingredient in
pancreatin.  (To understand why the Illuminti is so evil, you must
understand their satanic origins (illum=light; luci=light, from

PANCREATIN STORY:  Dr. Kelly was healing people with cancer, using
pancreatin.  He was ousted from his company. 

ABOUT PANCREATIN:  (from page 16) 

"The A.H. ROBINS CO., like the Eli Lilly Co. was given the sole
world-wide monopoly for pancreatin by the Big Establishment.
Pancreatin was the only nutritional supplement used by all of the
Kelley patients.

"The first procedure used by the Establishment to put an end to me
was the development of a process by which to fractionate the Whole
Pancreatin into the various individual enzymes. In fractionating the
Pancreatin they were able to remove one of the major enzymes and
make it unavailable to the nutritional market, They continued to
market the defective pancreatin to the unsuspecting health food
market. Supplement manufacturers never knew why their products
would no longer be effective for a multitude of nutritional needs.
When I personally informed these manufacturers I was threatened
with legal action. Being aware of this, I adjusted our Metabolic
Program to compensate for this fraud. I went right along helping the
Cancer Victims, but instead of a 6 month procedure the program
had to be extended for 18 to 24 months. The cost was also greatly

      "  The Establishment by removing needed active ingredients in
the raw materials sold to the companies making vitamin tablets
assumed the Kelley PROGRAM was doomed to total failure. Although I
altered our Metabolic Program to compensate for this, those who now
claim they have the Kelley Program and supplements are deceiving
themselves and the Cancer Victim, for this is the state of PANCREATIN
and their fraudulent programs of Cancer Cures to date.

      "  The Chymotrypsin removed from pancreatin is now sold to
manufacturers of sewer and septic tank cleaners and not available to
the medical community or health food store industry."

[The above was taken from 


page 16 of Forbidden Books- (Book 2)

and Future Health- Camps & Food]

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