I use Grapefruit seed extract tooth gel, nose drops, ear drops, and build
up drops in my morning cocktail--juice plus all the liquid x\supplements.
It is very good.  I have herxed with it.  I do not know if it is better
that the CS.  Seems the CS helps me more than the GsE but that is my body.\

Like CS you can take a dilute solution with you on vacation and put several
drops in everything you drink and not get montezuma's revenge.  Cs in
higher ppm's will also do that.

CS made at home is less expensive.  However GsE is one of the first line
things I do.  Helped tremendously with sinus headaches--the nose drops just
cause everything to drain out of yolur head.  I also use CS for this.  GcE
won however in this instance.

Oh and last summer I cured ring worm with it and the RB device I have.  I
think it is the GfE that did the deal on that Took about a month I think of
daily application and covering with a band aid.

Be great if these two would work synergistically wouldn't it.  GsE is
bacteriocidal and CS is not so get them coming and going.

Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer

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