> Thanks to Debbie McDonald for the information on Grapefruit Seed Extract.
First make note for those not familiar with this product, there is also a
product called grape seed extract and they too use the initials GSE as opposed
to what we are referring to here, which is grapeFRUIT seed extract so just to
keep that straight in your mind, should you wish to try it.
Thanks for calling them Bob. I, too, am going to call and ask questions and
also see about using it on one or more of the horses at the same time as using
CS for the protozoal illness they have. This will render my experiment with CS
less usful to us, but, these are my horses so I have to fight fire with fire,
this is assuming that I like the answers and do use the GSE. And, the cost will
be a major factor. I will find other horses belonging to others to test with
just CS and I will have the less affected horse tested by spinal tap first to
get the definitive diagnosis. I am told that many horses being treated for this
"disease" die from the kill off of gut bacteria(by allopathic meds of course)
causing colic, which is a bad belly ache to simplify it for the non horsey
folks on this list. That is why I was so very encouraged by Jim's potential
findings regarding this aspect of CS use. Wish we knew for sure. I have to get
the spinal tap done before we start anything so not sure of my time frame,
dealing with others to transport, picking what will hopefully be a competent
vet to do the procedure(scarey for me) etc.
  As to the reference on the GSE page to arthritis, I have had a reoccurance of
pain in my knee and foot and very bad pain again in my lower back. With so many
things I am always changing it can be hard to tell what is what but I had quit
taking the store bought CS I was using before I was to have surgery as I
thought it was making my liver hurt. It was during this period after I quit
using CS that the pains returned. I am thinking it was about eight weeks till
it started but I did not log my symptoms so have no idea as I have worse brain
fog too<G>, again, a major bad symptom that I am now wondering if CS helped by
killing whatever it was that is affecting my brain??. I have not taken much
since(CS) and so will start again on some store bought (yuck) till I get up and
running, husband is slow on this<G> and I should think my results will be very
scientific if my pain goes away<G>.
  I have more CS plans as regards treating my dogs should they test positive
for any of the tick borne illnesses that are prevalent here in Texas. We've had
lots of hundred+ degree days here with more on the way. You all(put texas twang
on that<G>) are invited over to haul hay any time you want to come<G>. Deb   

     Debbie McDonald

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