While CS as nasal-spray MAY work well, I've tried it in a nebulizer used normally for delivering antibiotics to the lungs and it's NOT recommended. I tried it 5 times for the serious lung infections brought on by Cystic Fibrosis and every time had a bad reaction: The feeling of suffication. I couldn't understand this since I was using silver mineral water from WaterOz, which has 100+PPM the size of ions (according to the bottle). I would try it, have a bad reaction, and then try it again in a week to see if it happened again. Bad reaction everytime. Then I met someone who is quite learned in natural healing remedies and has built 2 Rife machines -- one of which he used to cure his mother of bone cancer -- and said that breathing CS through a nebulizer may be depositing the silver particles into the tiny alvioli(sp) that the O2 molecule enters through and blocking it... that made sense to me! He told me to remember that we're not dealing with a soluable chemical here, but with a PARTICLE -- and that's a lot bigger than an O2 molecule! I feel that I gave nebulizing CS a real chance and it it didn't work... not yet, anyway. And that's too bad because I thought I'd surely be the perfect "lab-rat" since I have continual lung infections from CF. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all eyes.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PETE WROTE: "## A nebuliser also works very well at delivering the cs as a very fine mist.This may be a viable option especially for those who contract viral type asthma.I have just been looking at the parasite pictures recently referenced by Rip on the Rife list;some of the parasites enter into the lungs at some part of their life-cycle,so would be exposed to the cs if it was delivered by a nebuliser .And,I am glad to confirm cs effectiveness as experienced by my dear wife, who (sceptically) sprayed some into her nostrils and experienced an overnight removal of a very painful sinus condition.I was glad of her scepticism as it may somewhat remove the placebo/persuaded soul effect. your fellow lister, pete" -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com -or- silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>