I forgot to mention in the first edition that the amount of silver water
I've been taking is 10-12cc/mls a day -- half in the morning and half at
night -- on a completely empty stomach, HELD UNDER THE TONGUE for 15-30
minutes before swallowing. OK... NOW read the rest!


To all concerned, ESPECIALLY those with Cystic Fibrosis (it's a long
one, so grab a snack!):

As most of you know, I have Cystic Fibrosis (CF) -- a killer "genetic"
disease with no known cure as of yet. I have reported periodically on
the results of my mucous culture reports as they pertain to the use of
Colloidal Silver directly. What makes these culture studies so important
is that they are really the guiding light for the CF "doctors" in how
they will treat a patient from month to month, which means primarily
what drugs they will choose to bombard the poor individual with that
will most likely make them as sick (or sicker) than the disease itself
(if not immediately, then eventually). Before this latest update I
wanted to wait for my most recent report to confirm what I've been
suspecting for quite some time: That Colloidal Silver is capable of
greatly reducing -- or completely negating -- the use of MOST OR ALL the
drugs used in treating lung infections brought on by this deadly
disease! It is now confirmed: COLLOIDAL SILVER WORKS! I have had more
"clear" culture reports over the past year than ever in my life!
Previous to the use of C-Silver, the ONLY way I was able to obtain
"clear" cultures was to be admitted into the hospital for a 3-week,
24-hour a day I.V. injection routine of very toxic antibiotics and even
then, the cultures would sometimes return with "abnormal flora" results.
But *if* the drugs did work to stop the lung infections, within weeks of
leaving the hospital, the infections would come back -- even though I
was taking powerful oral antibiotics at 2-4 times the normal dose! Then
I discovered 2 ways (so far) to achieve keeping my cultures "clear" --
both of which are outside the scope of "approved" medicine in America:
Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation and Colloidal Silver. The UBI treatments
were *excellent* (but costly) at neutralizing ALL lung infections last
summer, at which time I used little or no C-Silver; but since those
ended, I have used *nothing but* C-Silver for the treatment of my lung
infections! I could have waited another month to file this report, but I
think it's obvious enough by now that IT WORKS, and that's all that
counts! I will continue to give updates for the sake of all who are
"keeping the faith" in this amazing substance for your own ills, and
also for any of you who may actually have CF (or know someone who does).
Repeated lung infections lead to massive scar-tissue that eventuates in
death! Stop the lung infections, and you affectively stop the worst
aspect of the disease! If I'd had C-Silver just a few years ago, I would
not have to be going on the lung transplant list now! And I can tell you
I'm very frightened. The prognosis for CF lung transplants is NOT good,
and the really sad thing is that it could have been avoided if the lung
infections could have been kept at bay for all these years.

In keeping with strict "scientific protocol", I feel that it's important
to mention at this time the EXACT type of Colloidal Silver that I've
been using to achieve these amazing results (at the risk of sounding
like I'm selling a particular product): The brand is called WaterOz
Silver Mineral Water (the company refuses to call it "colloidal", though
it *is* a colloidal suspension). I feel mentioning this is imporant
because I *may not* have achieved the same results with "home-brewed"
C-Silver. To be honest, I was far too weak and attending to so many
things after almost dying last November that I preferred the
"ready-made" convenience of WaterOz. It was strictly circumstantial
"luck" that I happened to choose this brand; perhaps others would be as
affective -- I don't know. But I *DO KNOW* that these culture reports
are very thorough and are rarely mistaken -- especially this many times
in a one-year period! So I must conclude that the WaterOz Silver Mineral
Water is more powerful than drugs like CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE and
of the *many* that are prescribed on a regular basis and taken for YEARS
with no lasting affect! It even beats some of the most powerful new
drugs to come out for CF, like TOBRAMYCIN AEROSOL (which costs $13,000 a
year!!). I cannot emphasize enough how important this information is in
the treatment of this disease; some of the drugs used are so toxic that
patients given them can begin coughing up -- and even urinating --
blood! Other drugs induce side-affects similar to being sea-sick or
prevent walking altogether, and nausia is usually a given with even the
"milder" drugs. One drug called COLISTIMETHATE SODIUM (Coly-Mycin©)
causes serious migrain headaches in many patients! The fact that the CF
"community" and medical INDUSTRY continues to ignore the serious
effectiveness of Colloidal Silver merely proves, once again, where their
heart$ are *REALLY* at! I am LIVING PROOF that CS works!


I avoid ALL -- **ALL** -- dairy! I buy RICE DREAM rice "milk" instead;
it takes a little getting used to if you love milk, as I did, but it
*will* grow on ya! It has the consistency of skimmed milk and none of
the aftertaste of some soy products. THE MILK *WILL* HELP KILL YOU, CF
PEOPLE! And cheese is pure death... toxic with NO nutritional value of
ANY importance!

I drink ONLY distilled water straight or add CONCENTRACE trace minerals
to it, and drink fresh carrot juice with 3-5 large cloves of garlic
*PRESSED* into it (important) at least twice a week. Sometimes I add
apples, though I tend to just eat those! The juice is made from the
BIGGER carrots that are more conducive to juicing, NOT the small ones
that are sprayed with chemicals. Get "juicing carrots"! A 25-pound bag
is only around $11 and they're soooo much easier to work with! I have an
ACME, JUICEMAN 2 and a GREEN POWER juicer, but may sell the GREEN POWER
and get an Angel Ultima NA-6008 Juice Extractor.

I eat *very little* red meat, mostly chicken, fish (mostly WHITE tuna)
and turkey.

I eat millet on a regular basis (with RICE DREAM and RAW honey added),
and a fair amount of oats.

*NO* CANDY OR SWEETIE THINGIES (like chocolates and cakes).

I use SEA SALT, NOT "TABLE" SALT! This is important for CFers, as salt
loss with this disease causes the need for replenishment! I noticed my
health improve from just this one little tid-bit because SEA SALT is so
much better for the body and CF people lose so much (tho I'm sure the CF
"doctors" would chuckle at that statement saying that "salt is salt").

brand! And watch out for the vitamin-E! It's a major vitamin for
preventing scar tissue in the lungs of CF people and the d-Alpha
tocopherals should only be used -- NOT the dl-Alpha!! Just remember: If
it has an "L", you LOSE!

Take the PLANT-BASED vitamin-D and a good calcium suppliment to prevent
bone loss (also common in CF); calcium citrate is considered the best
form that I know of. I was just diagnosed with severe osteoporosis
because I got smart too late. 1200-1600 mgs a day, and NOT all at once
because the gut can only absorb a certain amount at a time; break it
into segments! Don't wait til you cough so hard you severely fracture a
rib, like I did, before getting wise about calcium!

Take C-Complex (like ESTER-C) along with B-complex 100 mgs AT EACH MEAL!
You CANNOT OVERDOSE on these! They are very important. I even take a
B-50 when snacking!

For mucous in the lungs, drink herb teas on a regular basis. The 3 I'm
currently using are: HOREHOUND (the name's as good as the taste: Like a
barn floor), CHICKWEED and GOLDENSEAL. I mix them together and let them
steep FOR AT LEAST 2 HOURS covered with a saucer. I use the RAW tea, NOT
the tea bags! These will help move mucous from the lungs. There are MANY
other herbs for the lungs but I just happen to be on these right now.
I'll be experimenting with LOBELIA TINCTURE from Dr. Schulze starting
next week. It's suppose to be superior.

I also eat lots of MSM (methylsulfonylmethane): Isolated biological
sulphur. I take the POWDER by the teaspoonful, NOT the capsules; it's
cheaper! This is *very* important since we don't get enough from all our
processed foods. It will help on many levels, but in particular with the
lungs (supposedly). I have read accounts of people with severe lung
problems being greatly helped from MSM, but it must be taken religiously
and possibly for a long time before improvement is noticed. Don't expect
to undo many years of damage in one week or one month! A man with very
bad lungs from working in a coal mine didn't see improvement for a YEAR!
So don't give up; it ain't very expensive and you can't take too much,
so do a lot!

I also take things like ECHINACEA and ASTRAGALUS and ESSIAC (these may
be mispelled), but not continually; also GINSENG. These are immune
boosters. Like GARLIC, they can help a lot, but there's debates about
whether they should be taken all the time (tho I do take GARLIC
continually -- even tho Bob Beck thinks it's poison!).

One last little (but major) thing I've discovered: Heartburn and
"acid-indigestion" is fairly common in CFers because of a screwed up
bowel situation (we don't have our own digestive enzymes). For years, I
was living on tums and other antacids and the "doctor" even wanted to
prescribe yet another drug at one point. Last summer I "discovered" that
Wrigley's DOUBLEMINT gum works like a miracle! It's absolutely amazing
how well it takes care of heartburn 99% of the time! I haven't taken an
antacid since. This is also important because, quite often, acid in the
stomach will cause CFers to go into a coughing spasm (for some reason)
and they won't even realize it's related to this! Chew some Wrigley's
next time your spazzin out and see if that helps. Just thought I'd throw
that in.

By the way: I'm 42... in the 1% catagory of survivors. I've said this
before, but I think it's important to say it again since I have to
believe that my diet and life-style have had something to do with it.
Most CF victims die by 25 or 30, so *something* I'm doing MUST be
working! And now there's WaterOz Silver Mineral Water for improvement in
my methodology! Hope all this helps.


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