On  5 May 98 at 6:19, Bill wrote:

> You can find Mark Metcalf's two excellent articles posted on 
> his web site (they were also published in Perceptions Magazine).
> See:
>      http://www.silversolutions.com/1.html  (part 1)
>      http://www.silversolutions.com/4.html  (part 2)

Mark Metcalf has done a handsome re-work of his site. It's quite 
good. He's also moderated some of his rhetoric about the 
salt/no-salt, clear vs. golden controversy. He handles it quite 
even-handedly. Thanks. I didn't know where his site had gone to.

> By the way, does the Silver-List have archives of past messages ?

Not on-line. I have a year's worth, nearly every posting. I wonder if 
anyone else has any from before that? Eventually, an archive attached 
to the web site would be a great tool.

Thanks, Bill!

Mike Devour

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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