Hello Michael,

Welcome aboard! I noticed you and several other new people have 
joined the list in the last couple of days. Glad you're here, folks!

Thanks for jumping on in Michael, let's see what others come up with 
in response. Here's mine:

On 29 Apr 98 at 21:39, Michael Slivinski wrote:

> in perception magazine they had 2 articles on making your own cs,
> the author did mention using pure 999 silver, but also mentioned one
> could try using silver coins which are 90 % pure silver and copper
> and one other metal (not nickle) and said copper is a benifit also.
> So wondering if using silver coins might not be good to have with
> these other items being made.

I like to know what's in my product. And I'd like to know what that 
other metal is you mention. If you've got a half-percent of lead or 
something else nasty in there you could be in a world of hurt! If I 
wanted to experiment with a metal other than silver, I'd start from a 
pure source.

We've discussed silver, gold, and copper from time to time here, as 
the subject always comes up. I don't remember a lot of positive info 
on colloidal copper. Input anyone?

> they also made mention that some  collodial mineral water had in
> it's list of minerals arsenic, and  commented it interesting to
> have a poison mineral there and  mentioned one other type of
> mineral that is known as a poison but in  collodial form might not
> be harmful in small ppm. maybe it might be  positive. 

I have a bottle here of something called Body Booster, "A liquid 
concentrate of 38,000 mg of a natural assortment of 77 water soluble 
minerals from prehistoric plants." The detail copy says 
"approximately" 77 minerals, though the list contains Hydrogen, 
Oxygen, and Nitrogen!! <LOL>

Anyway, among the 74 others is a whole list of things which could be
nasty: cobalt, strontium, mercury, flourine, cesium, bromine,
arsenic, tin, a ton of transition metals and rare earths. They go out 
of there way to mention Aluminum Hydroxide, rather than elemental 
aluminum. That's the only item listed as a compound.

The assumption is if you ate a varied diet of produce and game from
truly fertile soil you'd be getting  trace amounts of all of them.
They are also supposed to be complexed and chelated and compounded
in such a way as to be "bioavailable" and non-toxic. 

If you would like to read about the source and history of this kind
of product go to <http://www.advancedbio.com>. The T. J. Clark
people claim to be the original source and I've heard nothing to
disprove it.

The Body Booster product is from a company inscrutibly named TRC,
Tulsa, OK 74128, 1-800-423-7662. I have no clue who they are or
where the stuff comes from. I don't endorse it in any way beyond
having used most of a bottle and not had any body parts fall off yet.
Their product was what my local health food store had on the shelf.

There are other colloidal mineral products from de-salinated seawater 
(or Great Salt Lake water) or various clays and soils. I have no 
experience with them.

Personally I firmly believe that mineral supplementation is a good 
thing. I *do* feel better when I'm using a quality supplement. I used 
Amway's Nutrilite XX (double-X) for some years and always got a boost 
from it. I'm experimenting with others now out of curiosity.

There are other sources and product people have used successfully, 
and I'm sure they'll jump in with their (non-commercial) 

> Just thoughts
> mike slivinski 

Good questions.

I'm looking forward to others' thoughts.

Mike Devour

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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